Upcoming Litters

Are Litters available now? What do I do next?

Piper’s puppies were born on January 4 and will be ready for their forever families on March 1. She had 4 girls and 2 boys.

Boys are all spoken for
2 girls spoken for and 2 available

Chloe’s puppies were born January 11 and will be ready for their forever families on March 8. She had 4 boys and 1 girl.

1 girl is spoken for
3 boys are spoken for and 1 available

Both litters are Sired by Labs to Love Powdered Snow. Powdered Snow was a beloved Stud from breeder Labs to Love in California who has been breeding for over 35 years and graciously allowed us to continue Powdered Snow’s line with our girls. Powdered Snow died years ago as he would now be 20 years old, and these will be some of his last puppies he ever Sires. He was 67 pounds and 24″ at the withers

We are now temperament testing all of our puppies.

If you are interested in a puppy from this  litter or a future litter please fill out the questionnaire on our Reservations page so we can contact you. You can also send an email to ivorypawslabradors@gmail.com if you have any questions.

We take reservations in the order that deposits are received.  Pups will be chosen at  7 weeks old after the temperament testing, in the order that deposits were received. Once you have chosen your pup the balance of the purchase price must be paid to hold your pup.

Guardian Homes

From time to time we are looking for Guardian homes for some of our breeding dogs/puppies. There are no upfront fees for a guardian dog in this program. A Guardian Home operates like a foster home for the duration of the contract at which time the dog is signed over to the Guardian family. It is a home for our moms and dads while in the breeding program and continues to be their forever home once they are no longer breeding. The core purpose of our guardian home program is to ensure that our dogs enjoy full lives as beloved pets in loving homes. The great thing is that the dog has already lived with us and is very familiar with our family so they are very comfortable when they come back for breeding or if they are brought back while their Guardian family goes on a holiday. No need to pay for a kennel. For more information please email us  ivorypawslabradors@gmail.com